

Notes and tasks for upcoming changes and future plans here on this site.

In case you are interested in what's planned on here. This is a small outlook on what I thought could be a good idea of upcoming changes and content updates.

Table of contents

✨ Special Tasks

πŸ—’οΈ ToDo

  • ☐ Rebuild in Astro – as it says
  • ☐ Merge Recipes/Site – make it a monorepo, just in case
  • ☐ RSS Feeds – Add RSS Feeds for several parts of the site
    • ☐ Recipes
    • ☐ Blog
    • ☐ Changelog
    • ☐ Roadmap
    • ☐ Community Projects
  • ☐ Favourites – Add Bookmarks/Favourites for
    • ☐ Fav: Recipes
    • ☐ Fav: Posts
    • ☐ Fav: …
  • ☐ Newsletter – Could be a good idea
  • ☐ Guides
  • ☐ Tutorials/HOWTOs
  • ☐ Topics/Tags – Overview of all topics/tags
  • ☐ Credits – List of all contributors and authors
  • ☐ wbmnfktr snippets – Merge wbmnfktr/snippets
  • ☐ www – Add more parts of this website to the organization repository
  • ☐ Community – Open submissions and collect community projects
  • ☐ Snippets – Testing, Review, and Release of VS Code Snippets
  • ☐ Blog – You know what this is all about
    • ☐ Guestposts – You know… guestposts in the blog
  • ☐ Tutorials/HowTo – /tutorials /howto /whatever we will see
  • ☐ Profiles – Introductions and details on available ProcessWire starters
  • ☐ Starters – Custom community based starter profiles

πŸ’¬ Open for discussion

  • ❓ Categories – Adding categories to recipes?
  • ❓ Content ideas – What’s next?
  • ❗ Form submissions – form-submission platform needed

βœ… Done

  • βœ”οΈ Recipes – Merge latest changes back to old/orga repository
  • βœ”οΈ Recipe Template – Updated fields
  • more in the Changelog