
Automatically check for module updates (get notified by mail) [WIP]


Your use case may differ, but some people appreciate receiving notifications about available updates for installed modules. This was recently requested in the Module: ProcessWire Core Upgrade support thread and was promptly replied by the amazing ProcessWire community.


We use LazyCron every four weeks to see whether there are any upgrades available using the ProcessWire Core Upgrade module.

wire()->addHookAfter("LazyCron::every4Weeks", function(HookEvent $event) {
    $checker = $event->modules->get("ProcessWireUpgradeCheck");
    if(!$checker) return;

    $upgrades = $checker->getModuleVersions(true); // we only want modules with new versions
    if(!count($upgrades)) return;

    $subject = "There are " . count($upgrades) . " modules to update";

    $body = "Hi!\n\nAn upgrade is available for these modules on " . wire('config')->httpHost . ":\n\n";

    foreach($upgrades as $name => $info) {
        $body .= "- $name ($info[remote])\n";

    $body .= "\nHead to " . $event->pages->get("process=ProcessWireUpgrade")->httpUrl . " to upgrade."; // not sure if this `get` would work?

    $mail = wireMail();
    $mail->from("[email protected]")
        ->to("[email protected]")

More explanations and updates will be provided in the near future.
